Our Services
Coaching for Recovery: Discover your empowered self & nurture growth beyond your addiction(s)
Coaching for Neurodiversity & ADHD: Help with decreasing executive dysfunction & increasing focus & attention
Areas of Specialization in Coaching
Grief & Loss: We offer a safe space to grieve while learning how to process your complicated feelings, with loving care.
Coaching to stop work-a-holism. What do you do if you’re NOT working ALL the time? Who are you? What gives meaning to your life? We’ll help you have real answers (and practice!) with these questions.
Spiritual Changes & Shifts: from fundamentalism recovery to dawning interests in and inspiration from other cultures and lineages than your own
Existential Suffering and (Re)Discovering Self: When your whole world changes, it’s easy to stray from your true self & to lose sight of what is most important for you
Discovering Your Happiness Requirements & Defining Your Life’s Passion and/or Work
Private Coaching Sessions
You get comfortable and we talk. During private coaching sessions, we listen carefully and help you feel heard and understood. Each session moves through a series of questions and we eventually reach a conclusion together that helps us create effective steps for you to take between sessions. Coaching is action-oriented, so you leave the session feeling better and like you have a short-term plan towards accomplishing long-term goals and desires.
Group Sessions
We offer themed programs for small groups. Right now, we have a Grief and Loss course for people who have experienced losses such as the death of a loved one, the loss of an identity through big changes like divorce, and even the loss of a dear pet can be devastating. We understand and are able to help people reach a more functional way of thinking so that they can begin to re-engage in life.